Welcome to the Global o Faith Blog

Welcome to the GlobaloFaith (Global Faith) Blog!

Faith, spirituality, and religion have had an indelible mark on humankind throughout the ages, even into the 21st century. Although not all people consider themselves religous, religion is virtually universal. Similar to music universally vibrating in the souls of humans from ancient times, religion has been also ringing in human souls through the ages. Religion has made the universal sense of the sacred tangible through rituals and other cultural expressions. This blog is to create awareness of the positive aspects of religion, globally, even in the 21st century, and a part of efforts of working toward interfaith understanding and peace.

Join me on this journey in life of greater mutual respect and understanding of various faith and religious traditions held by millions and billions.

You can contact me, Brother Mark, at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Global Faith Overview

Dear friends of faith, spirituality, and religion (and those curious or interested but may not consider themselves spiritual or religious).
Thank you for your interest in Global Faith. Below is a quick overview of Global Faith, basic definition and main values.
Here I will give an overview of a definition and Values and highlight again the Global Faith Pledge. Look for more to come!

Global Faith Defined
Faith: In internal sense which connects all people who have alittle or much faith not in external sense like an established world religion or institution.
Faith is a connecting factor which helps to unite all people, even if the object of
their faiths differ
Global, International, but Apolitical: The emphasis is that Global Faith peoples are citizens of heaven or a universal or global spiritual kingdom that does not compete with any earthly kingdom or nation, recognizing that there is no political system or order of government on earth that is perfect. We stive to live peacefully in whatever system we find ourselves.
International Multicultural: There are no limits. Global Faith peoples are everywhere in various cultures, in all nations, and is therefore diverse and multicultural
Monotheistic: Most Global Faith poeples are monotheists, revering only the Supreme God Creator of the Heavens and Earth, but recognize other children of God who do not see God as a personal Being but have a monistic impersonal understanding, and we all strive to live in peace with each other, which also includes our polytheistic and animistic brothers and sisters of humanity.

Global Faith Values

Global Consciousness

Unity in Diversity
Knowledge, Wisdom, Education, Enlightenment

The Global Faith Pledge (see below: November 13, 2010 post)

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