Welcome to the Global o Faith Blog

Welcome to the GlobaloFaith (Global Faith) Blog!

Faith, spirituality, and religion have had an indelible mark on humankind throughout the ages, even into the 21st century. Although not all people consider themselves religous, religion is virtually universal. Similar to music universally vibrating in the souls of humans from ancient times, religion has been also ringing in human souls through the ages. Religion has made the universal sense of the sacred tangible through rituals and other cultural expressions. This blog is to create awareness of the positive aspects of religion, globally, even in the 21st century, and a part of efforts of working toward interfaith understanding and peace.

Join me on this journey in life of greater mutual respect and understanding of various faith and religious traditions held by millions and billions.

You can contact me, Brother Mark, at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Global Prayers For All People New Book: Excerpts

Dear All, friends of faith and all who are not sure of their faith:
Below are many excerpts from the new book just released: Global Prayers for all People, the first in a Global Faith series, by Rev. Paul Wheelhouse, copyright 2010. You will be sure to want a copy of this book. So please request your copy by emailing us at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com (in email format) for a suggested donation of $9.99 for the book and $2 for shipping). We soon hope to get the Order page on our websites updated to offer the book there too (www.globalprayinghands.com and www.globlaprayingservants.com). We are exploring other book markets too to make the book available to wider audiences.

Human beings of faith, throughout history, have come to the understanding of a universality of God, their God, in this universe we live in, more than ever before, that there is one Divine Essence, but which has been filtered down to various cultures in different names. More and more people in our times have concluded that many of these expressions are conveying the same God or Divine Essence. Introduction, p. 8

…I find more and more people are thinking and speaking with a universal understanding of God. We, humanity today, have a more global awareness than ever before, throughout human history.
Introduction, p. 8

This book does not intend to replace any religion’s prayer books nor is it trying to unite the religions of the world together. It merely has sought universal expressions in prayers and compiled them, in the name of God, as we each one understands. Introduction, p. 8

On Part III (Occupational Prayers) It makes a concerted effort to reach out to the human strata globally, from poor farmers in third world countries to executives in first world countries, from heads of states to janitors. Introduction, p. 10

On Part IV (Prayers by Religious Faith/ Tradition) This section continues to help carry the Light of universal awareness forward, for the benefit of a larger human reception. Introduction, p. 11

Combining therefore Parts I through IV in this one volume, this prayer book is therefore a blend of ancient and modern prayers, of practical individual prayers and global intercessory prayers, and of beautiful expressions of prayers from several world religions expressing universality. Introduction, p. 11

The universal ideal behind this book may be traced back to ancient sages upon whom the
concept of a universal God dawned or a single cohesive essence of the universe. This understanding, the light of this universal chord, began as a soft beat upon a drum. After millennia, the beat has grown to a melodious crescendo sound traveling around the globe. Introduction, p. 11

This concise prayer primer is great for anyone, from those brand new to the subject of prayer, to those seasoned pious practitioners. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 14

Prayer is a universal and perhaps the most fundamental spiritual language and disposition of humanity, individual souls getting in touch with the Divine. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 14

Yet, through the ages, prayer has manifest itself not merely in the form of written prayers, but framed within sacred scriptures, embedded in liturgies, trumpeted in hymns and songs, and carried on the vibrations of verbal chants and non-verbal tones. Together, a rich faith tapestry has been created historically and globally. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 14

Human beings can pray anywhere, from indoor homes to outdoor places and gardens, from sacred places to secular places, from quiet closets to noisy airports and train or bus stations, from waiting rooms in doctor’s offices or hospitals to public restrooms. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 16

The expressions of prayer are so many. There are expressions of adoration, praise, thanksgivings, joys, and expressions of hurts, pains, and sufferings, and grief from losses. There are expressions which flow out of times of abundance and there are expressions which fly out of times of needs and desperate moments. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 18

May I be quick to forgive but slow to anger. May I be respectful and patient with all others, myself included, and live today by the Golden Rule, “do unto others as I would want them to do to me. Morning Prayer, p. 20

O God of Light, illumination, and revelation, God of all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, illumine my mind as I delve into your word. Prayer at beginning of Studying Sacred Scripture, p. 23

O God of all Glory, Majesty, Dominion, Power, Honor, and Virtue, I come before you this sacred hour to worship you. Prayer at beginning of Worship, p. 24

O God, who has created the family and knit humans into families, bless my family and children with your provisions, presence, assurance, grace, mercy, and love. For Blessing My Family and Children, p. 32

O God, Source of all things, generous Provider, I give thanks to you for your mercy, grace, compassion, and love. I also give thanks to you for all your provisions…. General Prayer of Thanksgiving A, p. 37

After thousands of years and hundreds of generations of human families and life on earth, we post-modern peoples are still discovering how important the basic family structure and life with care and emotional support is for the well being, mental wholeness, to individuals and therefore to society as a whole. Ancient sages and philosophers, even those who are not notably religious, discovered these truths. Cause the people of the world today to rediscover this truth…. Prayer for Families, p. 42

Cause a new vision of the family in the 21st century to be birthed around the world in which each family in every neighborhood and community is seen as a positive asset, and each contributes, despite the failures and “skeletons in the closets.” May a new wholeness be birthed in every land and on every island of simple, caring love for each other all through life…. Prayer for Families, p. 42-43

May love abound in this world, on every continent, in every region, in every city, town, village, hamlet, and campsite. Let every human be touched deeply by your love, and see other human beings through your loving eyes, not through the eyes of their primordial instincts…. Prayer for Love, p. 46

Pour out your blessing of faith on the people of the community. May all the young be thoroughly educated to prepare for their lives as productive citizens in schools were faith is valued along side intellect, reason, and scientific study, that faith and reason are not seen as diametrically opposed, but complementary. Prayer for Blessing Community, p. 54

We pray all the more earnest for all financial leaders in the world to seek all the wisdom from your ocean of prosperity, and guide them in their efforts and decisions…. Prayers for Prosperity, p. 54

There is no greater, O lover of our souls. None can’t stop your love and grace to humanity. Your invincible Spirit penetrates behind thick walls of oppression, having heard the souls of precious ones who cry out to you. Prayer for Personal, National, Political, and Spiritual Freedom, p. 59

Great God, Shepherd of all Souls, Giver of good gifts, we thank and praise you for the many servants who have heard your Call and have been obedient to the Call, and who dedicated their lives to serve You in and through the gatherings of believers, as clerics, shepherds, pastors, priests, religious teachers, and related vocations. Prayer for Religious Leaders, p. 62

You are the ultimate caretaker, but you have placed humans on it to be the earth’s caretakers. You knew how in the carelessness of human beings, we would mess it up, pollute it physically and spiritually. But you, O Lord, have the power to recreate and make all things new. Prayer for the World, p. 64

O God, you are the God of all knowledge, wisdom, Light, and understanding. You desire all people of every class from the lowest to the highest, to be taught the knowledge, wisdom, and ways of God. Open doors of religious and spiritual learning to all humanity, male and female, to young and old, on every continent and on every inhabited island, through all means available….
Prayers for Enlightenment and Education of Humanity, p. 65

God who desires all souls perfect peace, blessing, bliss, and even eternal life in bliss, may I know your bliss in a more intimate and real way. Prayer for Bliss, p. 67

O Eternal God, Supreme Ruler over all kingdoms of earth and heaven, look with favor upon this land, my nation, and my countrymen. Give me the strength to lead the people, and cause me to lead rightly, justly, equitably. A Prayer By Those Who Serve in Public Leadership, p. 70

(See below for the image of the cover of the book. I am pleased with Angel's [Angelina] work.)
Rev. Paul (Mark)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Global Prayers for All People New Book

Dear friends of faith around the world:
I am pleased to announce the availability in print of the first book of the Global Faith Series which I have self-published. The title is: Global Prayers for All People: Various Occasions, Many Faiths, by Rev. Paul Wheelhouse. Its 117 pages and the retail price printed on the back cover is $12.95. But I am making it available through this blog site for a suggested donation of $10. It its planned also soon to be posted on the store/order page of http://www.globalprayinghands.com/ and http://www.globalprayingservants.com but this page is not fully functional at this time, which my developer is working on to restore. To request your copy, email us at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com (email format) with your name and mailing address. I'll ship the book to you in the mail, and email you a confirmation. If writing a check, make it out to Global Faith Org Ministry, or if you wish, you can make it out to the author's name, Rev. Paul Wheelhouse, and we will get it to the author, and mail to:
Global Faith Org Ministry
PO Box 11055
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1055

You may also want to add $3.oo for shipping (suggested total: $13).

Peace and blessed prayers be with you all!

The Global Faith Pledge

Dear Brothers and Sisters of humanity, peoples of faith, of various Faiths, I present this proposed pledge for your consideration to affirm these truths and values that many people of earth have ascented to in this Age. While some of these statements begin as "I believe," this is not submitted as a creed to be accepted. They are mainly statements of value. I ask you to voice your affirmation of these truths saying "I agree," and emailing me at mark.globalfaith@gmail.com, or emailing at the same with your comments or disagreements, if any. By saying "I agree," is not saying you perfectly live up to these values. We fail every day to be as loving to other human beings as we should. Saying "I agree" is an aspiration of this as the way things should be. It does not mean that you are making some permanent committment that you cannot live up to.

The Global Faith Proposed Pledge

1. I believe in the innate dignity of every human being, regardless of race.

2. I believe in the mutual respect of all human beings regardless of particular creed, faith, religion.

3. I believe in having a basic religious tolerance of all others whose faith or religion may be different from mine.

4. I believe in a freedom of faith that is foremost a spiritual freedom, and the freedom to practice one's own faith, recognizing that some peoples live in countries that restrict their religious freedom in the temporal realm, but blessed are all those who are spiritually free.

5. I believe that each person should seek truth for him or herself, to know it themselves in their own beings,
and that they should be free to seek and study in their spiritual journey of life.

6. I feel each person should be guided by their own conscience and not forced to go against their own conscience.

7. I will strive to be moral in my conduct at home and in the community and public. I will strive to do the
right thing, and to be an example of good living to my family, to young people, and before the community.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Global Faith Org and Movement: What About?

Peace, friends of faith (whatever Faith you are)!

So what is the Global Faith Org and Movement About?
Well, I should begin by saying that there are millions of religious people on this beautiful planet God made, and many desire peace and understanding, and some are actually working toward it.  My effort here is therefore by no means the single hand working toward peace, understanding, and religious tolerance. But I hope that my contributions are truly helpful, encouraging to many, and perhaps even inspiring.  For comments or questions, please contact me at my new email address:  mark.globalfaith@gmail.com

The points I am establishing for Global Faith Org, and propose for a prospective movement, will also be found on the new website I am working on to develop and publish, on the About Us page.  That domain, www.globalofaith.org, does not yet have the website published on it, but check back soon-its coming!

The main points of the Global Faith Org and proposed movement:

Faith Defined
"Faith" is used in the subjective sense, referring to the internal faith inside individual humans, not to the objective, external, for example, its typical use today as a synonym of a specific religion or religious system.  I am not working toward nor propose to work toward establishing a one world religion.  For reading more on this distinction, you can go to my blog http://dignityworld7.wordpress.com to read the Fifteen Articles of Human Dignity posted there.

Global Faith Org. is not advocating for any one religion nor is it sponsored by any one religion

Global Faith Org is not about nor engaged in the proselytizing of any person to any particular religion

Global Faith Org is apolitical.  It recognizes people of faith across the world in all countries and nations.  It refrains from endorsing any political party or country, although it may recognize some countries or parties that are more conducive to human dignity, moral nurture, noble religious values, and freedom of faith of its citizens or party members more so than other countries or parties.

International Scope
The scope of Global Faith Org and proposed movement is international.  The first major work in my global faith efforts was the launching of the interfaith prayer site www.globalprayingservants.com.  All are welcome to use this site for prayer or meditation and use the prayer forum.  Unfortunately, in a recent transferring of the site to a new host, the vital function of registering is not working and the prayer forum page is missing, and I am having my developer get this back. So please try back at the site soon!

Purpose of the Global Faith Org
As stated at the top of the blog page, the purpose is to nurture, encourage, educate, and illumine humanity, globally, on faith, through the resources on the website, soon to be published, www.globalofaith.org, books, CD's, and videos soon to be published on this blogsite and www.globalprayingservants.com and www.globalofaith.org

Global Faith Org as Incubator for the Global Faith Movement?
Perhaps a movement is eventually formed, incubated by the resources of Global Faith Org.

Global Faith Org Nonprofit
Plans are to register Global Faith Org for nonprofit status in the state of Florida, USA, within the next six months.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Faith and the 21st Century

Faith is a living thing. It lives in human beings everywhere. We move, breath, and have our being with faith. My own faith or perspective leads me to believe that faith itself is a gift, a gift with a divine connection, and connects us to the Divine. Faith has lived in humans from ancient times all the way to the present, in various lands, nations, and tribes.

Now we are the 21st century. Faith in humans has always interplayed with local, regional, national, and global natural, political, cultural, and social events. For example, there have been plenty of natural disasters in this past year: earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. Sometimes, it can be scary for human beings to live on this unstable planet. Now add to this prophesies of "doom," end, and judgment such as from the the Jewish-Christian Scriptures of the Bible and the Mayan Calendar "prophecies."

Its understandable why many Christians today tend toward the pessimistic view, especially with the Christian apostles prophesied of lawlessness and lovelessness in the end times before Christ's return. Some have focused on all the bad, that they would rather be raptured out of this world. And I understand why they feel that way.

But Global Faith takes a different perspective of focusing on much of the good in this time and age. One of these main good things is the fact of the great increased awareness and consciousness of FAITH! Yes, "faith." Is that understood in the objective sense such as synonymous with religious groups and their teachings or the subjective sense of belief in human minds, hearts, and souls? I would say " Both." The fact that in the last 30 to 40 years, "Faith" has come to be used synonymously for various religions (and thus "Interfaith" movement) reflects this greater awareness. Whether the awareness came after the usage change or the usage change came as a result of the increased awareness, I cannot say.

Now that we have established that "Faith" is commonly used today as a synonym for various religions, would you be surprised that some of the founders of the worlds "great" religions seldom if ever talked about faith? That's right. No world religion today is today what is was when it was first founded. The founders laid the groundwork. Later, they have all undergone much development, organization, and met various challenges along the way throughout history. Buddha Siddartha emphasized meditation and the middle way between neither extreme of strict ascetism nor over-indulgence. Lao-tzu emhasized the yin and yang and harmony with nature and all human works destruction by the eternal Tao. Confucius emphasized moral living in society with the principles of li (courtesy) and jin (goodness, kindness). And Moses, as recorded in the Torah/Penteteuch, used the term "faith" once (Deut. 32:20, based on Strong's Concordance, KJV, and the NKJV Concordance).

But we have to look further than just the founders and latter followers actually using the word "faith" to many other statements that muster, demand, or encourage faith in their followers. Faith never comes in a vacuum. It rides the magic rugs embedded in religion and cultural myths and ideologies.

When we come to Jesus of Nazareth, based on the New Testament Gospels, we find that he did place an emphasis on faith. The apostles of Jesus Christ in the 1st century placed an even greater emphasis on faith, that faith is the basis of salvation. It can be argued that Christianity's emphasis on faith greatly contributed to the increased awareness of faith in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Whereas "faith" was not even a major point of doctrine or discussion among some of the world religions 100 years ago, now in these recent years has become used synonymously with the various religions. And I think that this is a good thing. And this is the main point of this blog post.

The concept of "faith" has "grown up," matured, among human beings, and now recognized universally, globally. Yes, there are certainly differences of beliefs, understandings, concepts, and practices among the various religious peoples globally. But this concept of "faith" is one aspect that may unite us all, after the fact that we also all share human nature (or are their some hidden alien practitioners out there?) And again, here I am speaking of faith in both the objective and subjective senses here. My other thesis that I highlighted in the Fifteen Articles of Human Dignity on Faith (see link http://dignityworld7.wordpress.com/) is that the capacity to believe (now we are talking internal faith) is in all human beings, globally, past and present, like an empty gift box. And then that box gets filled by whatever we are taught from our earliest days to growing up.

In conclusion, I have a positive perspective on humanity globally with regard to faith. The walls dividing peoples of humanity over religion have shortened, so at least we can see them and sometimes talk with them. I believe this is the way to peace, and interfaith efforts are paving the way to conversations among peoples of different Faiths, dissolving some stereotypes held in the past. Working towards peace, even religious peace, does not mean each of the religions have to dissolve their differences of belief and practices. We should work toward peace because it is the way of love that most religions preach and teach, and also plan to mitigate against repeating the atrocities of past mistakes in history. Let us rekindle the positive aspects of faith and religion in the 21st century.

Faith, Purpose, Image/Design

Thank you for your interest in Global Faith. This blog is a companion to new website I am developing: www.globalofaith.org. The site and future org's purpose is to encourage, nurture, and educate humanity on faith, spirituality, and religion.

Now there are two kinds of faith defined: objective and subjective. If this is not defined and explained, many could misunderstand the purpose of the blog and website such as to unite the religions of the world. Those who would prospectively misunderstand thinking that this is a hidden purpose would actually be assuming that "faith" in Global Faith is used in the objective sense. The objective sense is such as "faith" is commonly used synonymously with a religion, denomination, or religion in general. Not so used in Global Faith. "Faith" in Global Faith is used in the subjective sense referring to internal faith in human minds, hearts, and souls.

Therefore, Global Faith is a tribute and praise to this beautiful (most beautiful?) gift of faith in humanity of every tribe and race and continent from most ancient of times to this present time in the 21st century.

Global Faith Org uses the copyrighted Global Praying HandsTM image which was created and designed in the winter of 2009 for the purpose of branding, highlighting, and supporting the then www.globalprayingservants.com (and .org) efforts and to develop products with the image to market, set up on the www.globalprayinghands.com. Global Faith Org is now the umbrella site with its non-profit purpose of nurturing and educating about faith from a global perspective. And we are planning to officially file for the non-profit status for Global Faith Org. Any products purchased from the http://www.globalprayinghands.com/ website will be in support of the Global Faith Org efforts which is committed to the Global Prayer efforts (visit http://www.globalprayingservants.com/)

Your comments, imput, or questions are welcome. God richly bless you and come back to visit!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Faith Love Light and Life

My friends, whole books can and have been written on the subjects of faith, love, light, and life. Thank you for joining with me on these important themes that I harmonize and present in a fresh way.

I write primarily about faith, spirituality, and religion in society. The word Light captures much of faith, spirituality, and religion; it implies illumination, revelation, and inspiration. Illumined souls have captured this and radiated it out to humanity, and this world has been changed for the better. There have been many enlightened teachers who have walked among us from ancient times to this modern, post-modern world. I have learned from some of the great teachers but I have much more to learn myself, and indeed, we all should be lifelong spiritual learners. I highlight, call, and encourage humanity to continue to nurture themselves in faith, faith in God, the Divine Light, and the goodness of the Light, whereever they are and whatever the limits of their resources are and nurture young ones they are responsible for. God's Light and love is limitless.

I also blog about love, pure love. Love, I believe, is the number one transforming power in the world. If each and every human being one day woke up and loved more, this planet would indeed be changed and transformed is the love was real and long-lasting.

I will also blog about peace, since this is also a cry of the human heart. I will highlight the spheres or levels, from the individual person to society and between nattions, and uniquely balance the religious/faith/spiritual and the national/political, as God has gifted me with insight.

The purposes of this blog are to nurture and educate humanity in faith, spirituality, and religion, and help us grow and abide in the Divine Light. Its purpose is also to highlight the resources available to help you grow, articles, teachings now available, and an upcoming new book series I am writing: the Global Faith series. Stay tuned!