Welcome to the Global o Faith Blog

Welcome to the GlobaloFaith (Global Faith) Blog!

Faith, spirituality, and religion have had an indelible mark on humankind throughout the ages, even into the 21st century. Although not all people consider themselves religous, religion is virtually universal. Similar to music universally vibrating in the souls of humans from ancient times, religion has been also ringing in human souls through the ages. Religion has made the universal sense of the sacred tangible through rituals and other cultural expressions. This blog is to create awareness of the positive aspects of religion, globally, even in the 21st century, and a part of efforts of working toward interfaith understanding and peace.

Join me on this journey in life of greater mutual respect and understanding of various faith and religious traditions held by millions and billions.

You can contact me, Brother Mark, at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Major 2013 Announcement:
Light from Above: Sacred Scriptures for the 21st Century and Beyond, by Mark Ahavel, is under contract by Tate Publishing.  It has been in production in 2013 preparing for this Second Edition to be published and distributed by Tate and their distributors (including Ingram) and get out into the bookstore chains as early as early 2014.
See the new cover below (PDF file).

And please follow Brother Mark on Twitter as GlobalFaith4U.  He is planning on tweeting a majority of this book, verse by verse, starting today, all the way through 2014.  This book is such a blessing, will be a blessing to millions.  You must get a copy currently available from Amazon.com (print-on-demand order or in Kindle form) and then the Tate Publishing edition soon.

Please contact me for any questions via email:  mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com.

Brother Mark

1 comment:

  1. Excellent!
    Tate Publishers design team did a great job with the cover. The content on the inside is worthy of its cover and its retail price.
