Dear All, friends of faith and all who are not sure of their faith:
Below are many excerpts from the new book just released: Global Prayers for all People, the first in a Global Faith series, by Rev. Paul Wheelhouse, copyright 2010. You will be sure to want a copy of this book. So please request your copy by emailing us at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com (in email format) for a suggested donation of $9.99 for the book and $2 for shipping). We soon hope to get the Order page on our websites updated to offer the book there too ( and We are exploring other book markets too to make the book available to wider audiences.
Human beings of faith, throughout history, have come to the understanding of a universality of God, their God, in this universe we live in, more than ever before, that there is one Divine Essence, but which has been filtered down to various cultures in different names. More and more people in our times have concluded that many of these expressions are conveying the same God or Divine Essence. Introduction, p. 8
…I find more and more people are thinking and speaking with a universal understanding of God. We, humanity today, have a more global awareness than ever before, throughout human history.
Introduction, p. 8
This book does not intend to replace any religion’s prayer books nor is it trying to unite the religions of the world together. It merely has sought universal expressions in prayers and compiled them, in the name of God, as we each one understands. Introduction, p. 8
On Part III (Occupational Prayers) It makes a concerted effort to reach out to the human strata globally, from poor farmers in third world countries to executives in first world countries, from heads of states to janitors. Introduction, p. 10
On Part IV (Prayers by Religious Faith/ Tradition) This section continues to help carry the Light of universal awareness forward, for the benefit of a larger human reception. Introduction, p. 11
Combining therefore Parts I through IV in this one volume, this prayer book is therefore a blend of ancient and modern prayers, of practical individual prayers and global intercessory prayers, and of beautiful expressions of prayers from several world religions expressing universality. Introduction, p. 11
The universal ideal behind this book may be traced back to ancient sages upon whom the
concept of a universal God dawned or a single cohesive essence of the universe. This understanding, the light of this universal chord, began as a soft beat upon a drum. After millennia, the beat has grown to a melodious crescendo sound traveling around the globe. Introduction, p. 11
This concise prayer primer is great for anyone, from those brand new to the subject of prayer, to those seasoned pious practitioners. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 14
Prayer is a universal and perhaps the most fundamental spiritual language and disposition of humanity, individual souls getting in touch with the Divine. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 14
Yet, through the ages, prayer has manifest itself not merely in the form of written prayers, but framed within sacred scriptures, embedded in liturgies, trumpeted in hymns and songs, and carried on the vibrations of verbal chants and non-verbal tones. Together, a rich faith tapestry has been created historically and globally. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 14
Human beings can pray anywhere, from indoor homes to outdoor places and gardens, from sacred places to secular places, from quiet closets to noisy airports and train or bus stations, from waiting rooms in doctor’s offices or hospitals to public restrooms. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 16
The expressions of prayer are so many. There are expressions of adoration, praise, thanksgivings, joys, and expressions of hurts, pains, and sufferings, and grief from losses. There are expressions which flow out of times of abundance and there are expressions which fly out of times of needs and desperate moments. Concise Prayer Primer, p. 18
May I be quick to forgive but slow to anger. May I be respectful and patient with all others, myself included, and live today by the Golden Rule, “do unto others as I would want them to do to me. Morning Prayer, p. 20
O God of Light, illumination, and revelation, God of all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, illumine my mind as I delve into your word. Prayer at beginning of Studying Sacred Scripture, p. 23
O God of all Glory, Majesty, Dominion, Power, Honor, and Virtue, I come before you this sacred hour to worship you. Prayer at beginning of Worship, p. 24
O God, who has created the family and knit humans into families, bless my family and children with your provisions, presence, assurance, grace, mercy, and love. For Blessing My Family and Children, p. 32
O God, Source of all things, generous Provider, I give thanks to you for your mercy, grace, compassion, and love. I also give thanks to you for all your provisions…. General Prayer of Thanksgiving A, p. 37
After thousands of years and hundreds of generations of human families and life on earth, we post-modern peoples are still discovering how important the basic family structure and life with care and emotional support is for the well being, mental wholeness, to individuals and therefore to society as a whole. Ancient sages and philosophers, even those who are not notably religious, discovered these truths. Cause the people of the world today to rediscover this truth…. Prayer for Families, p. 42
Cause a new vision of the family in the 21st century to be birthed around the world in which each family in every neighborhood and community is seen as a positive asset, and each contributes, despite the failures and “skeletons in the closets.” May a new wholeness be birthed in every land and on every island of simple, caring love for each other all through life…. Prayer for Families, p. 42-43
May love abound in this world, on every continent, in every region, in every city, town, village, hamlet, and campsite. Let every human be touched deeply by your love, and see other human beings through your loving eyes, not through the eyes of their primordial instincts…. Prayer for Love, p. 46
Pour out your blessing of faith on the people of the community. May all the young be thoroughly educated to prepare for their lives as productive citizens in schools were faith is valued along side intellect, reason, and scientific study, that faith and reason are not seen as diametrically opposed, but complementary. Prayer for Blessing Community, p. 54
We pray all the more earnest for all financial leaders in the world to seek all the wisdom from your ocean of prosperity, and guide them in their efforts and decisions…. Prayers for Prosperity, p. 54
There is no greater, O lover of our souls. None can’t stop your love and grace to humanity. Your invincible Spirit penetrates behind thick walls of oppression, having heard the souls of precious ones who cry out to you. Prayer for Personal, National, Political, and Spiritual Freedom, p. 59
Great God, Shepherd of all Souls, Giver of good gifts, we thank and praise you for the many servants who have heard your Call and have been obedient to the Call, and who dedicated their lives to serve You in and through the gatherings of believers, as clerics, shepherds, pastors, priests, religious teachers, and related vocations. Prayer for Religious Leaders, p. 62
You are the ultimate caretaker, but you have placed humans on it to be the earth’s caretakers. You knew how in the carelessness of human beings, we would mess it up, pollute it physically and spiritually. But you, O Lord, have the power to recreate and make all things new. Prayer for the World, p. 64
O God, you are the God of all knowledge, wisdom, Light, and understanding. You desire all people of every class from the lowest to the highest, to be taught the knowledge, wisdom, and ways of God. Open doors of religious and spiritual learning to all humanity, male and female, to young and old, on every continent and on every inhabited island, through all means available….
Prayers for Enlightenment and Education of Humanity, p. 65
God who desires all souls perfect peace, blessing, bliss, and even eternal life in bliss, may I know your bliss in a more intimate and real way. Prayer for Bliss, p. 67
O Eternal God, Supreme Ruler over all kingdoms of earth and heaven, look with favor upon this land, my nation, and my countrymen. Give me the strength to lead the people, and cause me to lead rightly, justly, equitably. A Prayer By Those Who Serve in Public Leadership, p. 70
(See below for the image of the cover of the book. I am pleased with Angel's [Angelina] work.)
Rev. Paul (Mark)
Welcome to the Global o Faith Blog
Welcome to the GlobaloFaith (Global Faith) Blog!
Faith, spirituality, and religion have had an indelible mark on humankind throughout the ages, even into the 21st century. Although not all people consider themselves religous, religion is virtually universal. Similar to music universally vibrating in the souls of humans from ancient times, religion has been also ringing in human souls through the ages. Religion has made the universal sense of the sacred tangible through rituals and other cultural expressions. This blog is to create awareness of the positive aspects of religion, globally, even in the 21st century, and a part of efforts of working toward interfaith understanding and peace.
Join me on this journey in life of greater mutual respect and understanding of various faith and religious traditions held by millions and billions.
You can contact me, Brother Mark, at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com.
Faith, spirituality, and religion have had an indelible mark on humankind throughout the ages, even into the 21st century. Although not all people consider themselves religous, religion is virtually universal. Similar to music universally vibrating in the souls of humans from ancient times, religion has been also ringing in human souls through the ages. Religion has made the universal sense of the sacred tangible through rituals and other cultural expressions. This blog is to create awareness of the positive aspects of religion, globally, even in the 21st century, and a part of efforts of working toward interfaith understanding and peace.
Join me on this journey in life of greater mutual respect and understanding of various faith and religious traditions held by millions and billions.
You can contact me, Brother Mark, at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com.
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