Dear Brothers and Sisters of humanity, peoples of faith, of various Faiths, I present this proposed pledge for your consideration to affirm these truths and values that many people of earth have ascented to in this Age. While some of these statements begin as "I believe," this is not submitted as a creed to be accepted. They are mainly statements of value. I ask you to voice your affirmation of these truths saying "I agree," and emailing me at, or emailing at the same with your comments or disagreements, if any. By saying "I agree," is not saying you perfectly live up to these values. We fail every day to be as loving to other human beings as we should. Saying "I agree" is an aspiration of this as the way things should be. It does not mean that you are making some permanent committment that you cannot live up to.
The Global Faith Proposed Pledge
1. I believe in the innate dignity of every human being, regardless of race.
2. I believe in the mutual respect of all human beings regardless of particular creed, faith, religion.
3. I believe in having a basic religious tolerance of all others whose faith or religion may be different from mine.
4. I believe in a freedom of faith that is foremost a spiritual freedom, and the freedom to practice one's own faith, recognizing that some peoples live in countries that restrict their religious freedom in the temporal realm, but blessed are all those who are spiritually free.
5. I believe that each person should seek truth for him or herself, to know it themselves in their own beings,
and that they should be free to seek and study in their spiritual journey of life.
6. I feel each person should be guided by their own conscience and not forced to go against their own conscience.
7. I will strive to be moral in my conduct at home and in the community and public. I will strive to do the
right thing, and to be an example of good living to my family, to young people, and before the community.
Welcome to the Global o Faith Blog
Welcome to the GlobaloFaith (Global Faith) Blog!
Faith, spirituality, and religion have had an indelible mark on humankind throughout the ages, even into the 21st century. Although not all people consider themselves religous, religion is virtually universal. Similar to music universally vibrating in the souls of humans from ancient times, religion has been also ringing in human souls through the ages. Religion has made the universal sense of the sacred tangible through rituals and other cultural expressions. This blog is to create awareness of the positive aspects of religion, globally, even in the 21st century, and a part of efforts of working toward interfaith understanding and peace.
Join me on this journey in life of greater mutual respect and understanding of various faith and religious traditions held by millions and billions.
You can contact me, Brother Mark, at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com.
Faith, spirituality, and religion have had an indelible mark on humankind throughout the ages, even into the 21st century. Although not all people consider themselves religous, religion is virtually universal. Similar to music universally vibrating in the souls of humans from ancient times, religion has been also ringing in human souls through the ages. Religion has made the universal sense of the sacred tangible through rituals and other cultural expressions. This blog is to create awareness of the positive aspects of religion, globally, even in the 21st century, and a part of efforts of working toward interfaith understanding and peace.
Join me on this journey in life of greater mutual respect and understanding of various faith and religious traditions held by millions and billions.
You can contact me, Brother Mark, at mark dot globalfaith at gmail dot com.
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